Friday, August 31, 2012

Why the BBC top 150?

Today, I started to read War and Peace by Leo Tolstoy. My mother was very curious as to why that was the book I had in my purse. I informed her that on my 101 in 1001 is a goal to read the BBC top 150 books. She laughed.  I just thought she was mocking my goal to read that many books.


She asked why I cared about the BBC. Let me tell you, I had no idea what the BBC I was nonchalant and said because it was cool. BBC isn't anything bad but it's the British Broadcasting Corporation. When I googled (yeah it's a verb) "top 150 books" the first link was BBC's top 150. So, no, there is not any specific tie to the BBC, I just wanted to read the "top 150" in 1001 days. Go me.

Now on to War and Peace...
Everyone who has read it and reviewed it speaks of it as if it's gold. I'm very curious. There are SO many characters in this book but they are ALL very developed and well written. The book is giant. My mother laughed at me because instead of downloading it to my Kindle, I brought the giant book with me in my purse. I love my Kindle, don't get me wrong, but I feel like with classic books, you should own them...and I had already purchased it 2 years ago when I was taking a Literature class and was being ambitious. Obviously, that didn't work.

Today was a pretty good day. I've been unpacking all of my crap and realizing I don't need everything. A lot of what I have accumulated is junk. The other half of it is all teaching related and I have to keep--a file cabinet will be my best friend shortly. I even bought a cute little stamp that says "This Music Belongs To:" to put on ALL of my music. I paid for it. One of my goals on my 101/1001 is to alphabetize my music by title and again by genre. Of course, I can't do them both physically, so I will be creating a GIANT Excel document to catalog it all. That's going to be fun...

I ordered the Lord of the Rings Trilogy and the Hobbit a couple of days ago, so that after I finish this giant novel of Russian-y goodness, I can move on to another series with even more names to try to remember. :)
That's all I have to say about that.

Thursday, August 30, 2012

September Menu and Facial Stuff

Okay, so I was looking through some recipes to add to my September list of to-dos. My goal is to make four new recipes a month, so I chose a good four and may add to that list later. Don't want to overwhelm myself at the start. This month, I have decided to make the following:

  1. Chicken and Broccoli Noodle Casserole 
  2. Avocado Basil Pasta 
  3. Garlic Parmesan Baked Chicken Breasts
  4. Egg Drop Soup
 I know, Egg Drop Soup is kind of out there, but I really love it. I will go eat Chinese just because I will get the Egg Drop Soup (and add rice and green onions to it). With that being said, I'm really excited to try out these four recipes. I plan on making one a week--so wish me luck. 

While watching Friends tonight, I was looking for some good facial recipes and I have come across three that I would like to try because they seem simple and effective. All of these recommend that you use the mask once a week--they're super easy, so take 30 minutes for yourself once a week!

Easy Facial Mask
  1. One Egg Yolk
  2. 1 Tablespoon of Honey
  3. 1 Tablespoon of Plain Yogurt 
  4. 1/2 teaspoon of Extra Virgin Olive Oil
  • Mix ingredients together
  • Apply to face
  • Let sit for 10 minutes
  • Rinse with warm water
Cinnamon and Nutmeg Facial Mask
  1. 2 Tablespoons of Honey
  2. 1 teaspoon of Cinnamon 
  3. 1 teaspoon of Nutmeg
  • Mix ingredients 
  • Apply to face
  • Let sit for 30 minutes
  • Wash with warm water while lightly scrubbing in circular motions
Gelatin and Milk Facial Mask
I have this on my face right at this very moment. It stanks. I am sure the mask is doing its just smells nasty. This is what your face may look like after applying:

  1. 1 Tablespoon of Unflavored Gelatin 
  2. 2 Tablespoons of Milk (any kind)
  • Mix ingredients together 
  • Microwave for 10 seconds
  • Stir
  • Apply Immediately (clumps quickly)
  • Let dry for 15 (or longer) minutes--You'll know when it's ready because you can't move anything on your face!
  • Start peeling it off--very gross, I just ripped all of my skin off taking this mask off. Yes, my face feels as smooth as a baby's bottom, blah blah. But, if you have any type of hair caught in the mix...goodbye hair (especially if you get it on your eyebrow. Thank God warm water helps get it all off.  It's like getting a face wax--I should have just ripped it off quickly, but I did not. I put moisturizer on my face and it is all tingly. Yes, my face feels nice, but, I don't know if I'll be doing this again. This is the after photo:

This is a very sad and pathetic ouch face after I ripped off my entire top layer of skin. So the benefit is that you will have smooth skin. The con is that your face will hurt like hell afterwards. 

Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Pro...Wait for it...Crastination!!

So, on Saturday, I decided to finally sit down and do my defensive driving course online so that I could get my certificate in just in time to turn it in :) Yes, I did get a ticket for going 12 miles over the speed limit. I was in a rush and obviously, was not looking around for any police  I got pulled over--had to drive into the car dealership and was really embarrassed.

Anywho, my plan was to finish defensive driving by Sunday evening. That did not happen. I did a couple of modules and then wanted to watch Law and Order: Special Victims Unit (love me some Olivia and Elliot) and then cleaned a bit. the midst of cleaning, I went from being in a relationship to not being in one--fantastic. So, like any girl would do, I cried for a good thirty minutes and then started cleaning again. I was planning on going to 4th Sunday (college group at church), but I felt and looked like poop.

My mom got home and gave me some jerky and blueberry yogurt covered pretzels as an "I'm sorry about your hard day" present (she was driving home)...which was from Buc-ee's amazing gas station. I felt like seeing my sister and my nephew so, we ordered some to-go Sushi Zushi and headed over. Little did I know I'd be spending the night with my fantastic sister...without anything to wear or a toothbrush. Sick.

It wasn't all bad though, I watched How I Met Your Mother (HIMYM) all night and had some delicious white wine. Obviously, I did not do any more of my defensive driving.

Today was full of moving all of my stuff out of the apartment, back into my mom's house. I know my mom and I don't always get along, but she's been fantastic in the last couple of days. Needless to say, my garage and living room are full of stuff that needs to be put away. Leaving the apartment today was really bittersweet; I know it needed to be done but I love that apartment--the huge bathroom and decent-ish kitchen. I made some great memories there, I get to keep those :)

I had borrowed my grandma's van to load some stuff that wouldn't fit in my POS Kia, so when I went to go drop it off, I was stuck in a two hour conversation. We talked about anything and everything ranging from Sour Kraut and fried potatoes to how my mom almost didn't get credit for her student council class when she transferred schools back in the 70s (my grandpa tells me that story EVERY time we see each other--bless his heart!). I love old people, I could talk with them all day and be completely satisfied. I think when you become grandparents, something changes in you, especially in men. I have the best grandparents in the world--more on that later.

So, by 9 tonight, my mom and I were starving. I stopped at Burger King and it was just a big disappointment. We cleaned up in the kitchen to declutter. I just did one module of defensive driving...and have three left to do. So, because I have procrastinated, I just had to pay $17 so that as soon as I complete my course (TOMORROW(wish me luck)), I will get it in 2 days, just to be safe.
No matter my plan, I always end up deviating to procrastination. Yum-o.
That was my weekend...I know, it was the hip-hop-happening place to be.

***You'll get my post title after you watch this HIMYM clip. Do it. Now.***

Sunday, August 26, 2012

Kit-Kat Corn Freak

So, my best friend Kathryn has almost been gone for an entire month. That may not seem long to you, but, we spent almost every week doing something. Whether it was going to Jimmy John's, playing the Sims (best game every), making dinner, watching movies or gossiping, we hung out all the time.

In November of last year, Kathryn sat me down at a Whataburger and broke the news to me that she would be moving to Nebraska and wanted to know my thoughts. I gave her a look that telepathically translated to You're not moving, discussion over. The discussion wasn't over. Of course, in the beginning, I really didn't think she would go through it--that it was a phase and tomorrow we'd be talking about how we both needed to go Christmas shopping really bad.

It was note a phase. Unless a phase is, doing a whole bunch of research and applying for tons of jobs, scoring a great teaching job and signing an apartment lease. Nope, not it. It didn't really hit me that she was interviewing for jobs up there until she called to tell me that she was offered TWO elementary music positions in Lincoln, Nebraska. WHAT? This can't actually be happening...

I promised her that if she did decide to move, I'd go with her to Nebraska and help her get unpacked. So, there I was looking for stupid Nebraska plane tickets and asking for time off at work. Finally, got the week off and secured my 4A seats on both planes and was off to help her move away.

OOPS, totally forgot, before she moved a million miles away (915 miles), I came up with an awesome idea to throw her a going away party. First I sent out an email to all the SAI (Sigma Alpha Iota) girls asking when they'd be free and if they were interested. Once we decided on a date (I must have responded to like 15 emails in 10 minutes) and time, I decided to make it an invite-only Facebook event. At first, I thought, not many people will show because even when people do RSVP, they don't show...I was wrong. We had it at a local bar (the Flying Saucer) and by the time she got there, there were 30 of her friends there. The best part is...she had NO idea (how?!) and she was so surprised. I just wanted her to be able to say goodbye to all of the important people (that I could get a hold of) before she started a brand new adventure. Okay, back to the story.

We got her all unloaded and set up (mostly) and had some fun memories along the way. Pandora was a fun addition to our 14 hour drive...yes, I forgot to mention we DROVE up to Nebraska. Fun times. With a cat in the backseat. Be jealous (or jeals as we call it). By the time Kat had to drive me to Omaha to go back home, it really started to hit me that she was really going to stay there. I tried not to think about it the whole drive to Omaha...but it kept creeping into my brain. I thought she was just going to drop me off because parking is expensive, but to my surprise, she parked in the garage and got out with me. We got me all checked in and my bag was sent off and as I was walking with my overly large carry on bag, she was giving me directions to security (which I didn't hear and had to ask some random lady later...embarrassing), I started to cry. Not the cute-out-of-the-corner-of-your-eye tears, UGLY cry. It was not a fun goodbye, let's just say that.

When I got home, I cried some more, because she literally knows me better than anyone else and I know we'll still text and call and blah blah, but it just isn't the same. Four weeks after I got back, I decided to unpack my overly large carry on bag. What did I find? A really cute framed letter that Kathryn had slipped in my bag before I left. I cried like a big baby and then smiled. I know she's going to be great up in crazy cornville, but I still wish on Friday nights she could teleport here so we could watch scary movies and drink Sangria :)

 The night we both got bids for Sigma Alpha Iota
 The day we got pinned as members in training (MITs) for Sigma Alpha Iota
 Our service project
 We sang a duet for our musicale

Most of those pictures were during our SAI process, haha, but we still have fun pictures! 

Of course this post was brought on by drinking some wine and texting her, haha (that sounds very strange) but I planned on blogging about it at some point. The thing about best friends is, no matter where you are in the world, the simplest text message makes you laugh so hard, you could pee your pants. Or, in Kathryn's case, I could text the word "moist" and she'd freak out. :)
Life long friends aren't life long because they live five minutes away, they are life long friends because they will always be there and love you for who you are, even when they know the worst things about you. I still hate Nebraska but I'm so glad she got the opportunity to start a new adventure.

Saturday, August 25, 2012

Cleaning the Kitchen...Fun?

Okay, so today while I was watching Kyle, I was looking over a few cleaning supplies recipes for the kitchen. I wrote down ones that I think are worth trying and will share them with you all. All of the ingredients are pretty simple and easy to find, as long as you know where to look :) Most of the ingredients can be found at Whole Foods or Sprouts--you know, the natural store.

For me, making my own cleaning supplies, makes cleaning a little better, since I got to choose the fragrances of them and all. Essential oils are the key to a great smelling cleaner, so you should experiment and choose the scents you enjoy the most. My favorites are lemon, lemongrass, orange and lavender--together, they make a wonderful scent.

Dishwashing Blues Blend
I found this really funny because in it's description it says this is to lift your mood while washing the dishes.

  • Liquid Castile Soap
  • 10 drops of Lemon Essential Oil
  • 6 drops of Bergamot Essential Oil
  • 4 drops of Lavender Essential Oil
  • 2 drops of Orange Essential Oil
  1. Fill a clean 22-ounce squirt bottle with castile soap
  2. Add oils
  3. Shake well before each use
  4. Add 1-2 tablespoons of liquid soap to hot water and wash as usual.  
Dishwashing Tips
  1. For very greasy dishes, add 1/2 cup of vinegar or lemon juice to dish water. 
  2. To loosen baked-on food from pots and pans, immediately add some baking soda and wait for 15 minutes before cleaning. 
Lavender Lift Automatic Dishwashing Powder
  • 2 cups Washing Soda
  • 2 cups Borax
  • 20 drops of Lavender Essential Oil
  1. Mix ingredients together in bowl
  2. Store in plastic container
  3. Use 2 tablespoons per load of dishes
Basic Sink Cleaner
  • 1/4 cup of Baking Soda
  • 1/2 cup of Vinegar 
  • 3 drops of Lavender or Orange Essential Oil
  1. Combine all ingredients
  2. Rinse sink well with hot water
  3. Pour cleanser in the sink and wipe with cloth or sponge
  4. Rinse again with hot water
Lemon Blast Cleaner
(good for kitchen appliances) 
  • 1 teaspoon Liquid Castile Soap
  • 1/8 cup of Vinegar
  • 1/4 cup of Lemon Juice
  • 2 cups of Water
  • 6 drops of Citrus Seed Extract
  • 4 drops of Orange or Lemongrass Essential Oil
  • 1 teaspoon of Borax
  1. Combine all ingredients in spray bottle
  2. Shake well
  3. Spray generous amount and wipe with cloth or sponge
  4. Dry with towel or cloth
Citrus Floor Cleaner
  • 1 gallon of Hot Water
  • 2 tablespoons of Liquid Castile Soap
  • 15 drops of Sweet Orange Essential Oil
  • 8 drops of Lemon Essential Oil 

Remember, if you don't like the scents in the cleaners you make, just change the blend of essential oils. It could take a few trials to figure out exactly which scents you like together. 
Yay, kitchen cleaning! 

Friday, August 24, 2012

Is it the Weekend Yet?!

This week has been so long, I can barely remember what day it is or what I did yesterday.
I'm in the third week at my new job and I love it so far, but, I'm tired! I answer phones for the majority of the time I'm at work, so I'm used to thanking people for calling--that is normal for a receptionist, right?

Today, when my cell phone started ringing, I answered it and said, "Thank you for calling," then paused...thought about what the heck I was doing and that I was using my own cell phone, "Emily's phone, please leave a message and I'll get back to you as soon as possible." I pretended to be my very own voicemail. That is so lame! Thankfully it was just some random telemarketer, but really, I laughed for a good ten minutes after that.

I've been helping my sister and her husband with their son, Kyle, a few days out of the week so they don't have to put him in daycare. Let me tell you, I love my nephew more than I thought was ever possible. He is just awesome, so face it!

 Whenever I'm having a pretty bad day, I come hang out with this little guy and, whoosh, I'm better :)
I should find a picture of him where you can see his cloth diapers.  Amanda decided to go green and she ordered cloth diapers and had my mom make cloth wipes and cloth wet bags (to put the dirty diapers in). Now, I was really irritated by the idea because there were just SO many steps to follow to change a dang diaper, but I have to say I have come around to liking them--especially since they're more glamorous than normal diapers. The only down side is...his bottom half looks four times bigger than his whole body because it's a lot of cushion, but, he's still my favorite.

I'm actually very proud of Amanda and Chris for sticking with this green thing, it's tough and at the end of a hard day, I would probably cave and pull out the disposable diapers, but they stick to their laundry and cloth diapers. To tell you the truth, I'm just proud of them for the parents they are. He's almost 3 months old (OH MY GOODNESS) and they've been such a great team and it has been a pleasure to see. Kyle has been the best thing that has happened to our family since Randy passed away in November.  He has brightened all of our lives, more than I think he will ever understand. I believe that Randy is Kyle's guardian angel and that's why he has done so great, especially after his surgery. I also think that's why Kyle is already on the verge of laughing and that he makes crazy eyes--those were the most memorable things about Randy for me. I know Randy is with us and this baby will know him, because, we'll talk about him all the time. I thank God for this miracle every day.

I could obviously talk about Kyle all night, but since I have to watch him in the morning, that's all for now!

Random Vinegar Fact # 2: Stop insect stings and bites from itching by dabbing them with a cotton ball saturated with white distilled vinegar. Watch out for West Nile my friends--confirmed death this morning.

Thursday, August 23, 2012

Vinegar Smells so Bad but Cleans so Good!!

Over the past several months, I've entered the world of vinegar.

My sister, Amanda, decided to go all "natural" on me and started making her own cleaning supplies. The first thought that went through my head was that she was crazy and that I was content spending $4 on a bottle of 409.  Little did I know that my big sister would change my very closed minded views on cleaning supplies...using Vinegar as a primary ingredient.

Now...if you've never really smelled smells completely awful. I don't even like to cook with vinegar for that very reason. But, for real, vinegar can clean almost anything. Add baking soda into the mix and you'll be so WOWed by the effect.

With that being said, I will be posting cleaning recipes that include vinegar, as well as other things. I really love lemon/citrus-y cleaning supplies, so I've found the right mix of essential oils to make the vinegar not overpower everything else. I also will post recipes for natural, cost effective household items, including (but not limited to) cleaning supplies, baking and meal recipes as well as beauty products.

I downloaded an app on my phone entitled "Vinegar" (because it was free and I was really bored and curious one night) which lists the most random facts about vinegar.

Random fact #1--Prevent cats from eating your plants by spraying the leaves with a solution of white distilled vinegar and water. Problem solved.