I'm grumpy and happy at the same time. This day has been one of the weirdest days off that I've had in a while. Aunt Flow is here for the week, so, sorry for the ranting that will likely occur in a few moments. Overall, the day was alright...I'm just glad I'm about to go to bed and it will be over.
I only have one class this semester and it is on Thursday evenings for three hours (lamest class ever). I thought I left early enough to avoid too much traffic, but I was wrong. I was already grumpy but got even grumpier right up until I parked my car at UTSA. After I finally got to school, I had to park...which any Roadrunner knows, is an ordeal of its own. I was driving in the parking lot and almost got to the row I wanted to turn on and this guy pulls out at the last second, almost causing an accident so I honked. Defensive driving says I'm supposed to honk to alert the other driver of danger...and I'm horn happy, so I like using it. This time, it really was because he was going to hit me and I wanted to get the message of "HELLO I'M HERE, DON'T GO WHEN YOU DON'T HAVE TIME" to him without him hearing me. So being irritated even more, I parked my car and was getting all of my stuff together to walk to class. I look up and that guy I just honked at was waiting in front of my car staring at me from his car. I was a little freaked out, so I waited a couple of minutes but I was going to be late, so I got out of the car with full intention of ignoring this creeper. He rolls his window down and says, "this is a parking lot, you shouldn't be using your horn, and, slow down." I just gave him a thumbs up and said "Right of way." I wasn't going too fast, he waited until the worst possible time to pull out of his row, almost causing an accident. So, I was heated walking to class and then was just mad the whole class. It didn't help that we talked about nonsense for almost three hours.
When I got home, I decided I needed to finish defensive driving...for real. I was cutting it close. So, I finally finished. at 11 PM. Go me! There were so many things in this course that don't apply to defensive driving in any way. Of course, at the end, I left great feedback because I wanted to hurry up and get my certificate, but I was not satisfied. Next time, I won't go 12 miles over the speed limit.
I got to catch up with a few old friends today, though, so the day was alright. I wouldn't call it good and I wouldn't call it bad. This is probably the lamest post I've posted thus far. I cannot guarantee that it will be the lamest, but for now, it is.
Tomorrow is Friday. Thank God.
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