It was brought to my attention that this upcoming week is teacher appreciation week :) I want to take a minute to brag on some of my favorite teachers in the entire world! Sorry it's kinda long...
Ms. Seiffert was my middle school choir teacher. Talk about pure awesomeness. This woman is incredibly talented and incredibly skilled at teaching children to read music. I owe my amazing hand sign and solfege abilities to her. She took chances on all of her students and made us love choir. Sure, we were singing Jeepers Creepers and doing silly dances, but mad respect to this woman. She was always incredibly dedicated and engaged in her classes and all of her students. She knew all of our names and what voice part we sang! She took me to my first musical and I had a blast. I learned to love music in her class. I'll never forget the days of wearing those big red taffeta dresses or the Zachry Singer's sequenced vests :) Thank you for your dedication and your love of teaching!
Ms. Slough (Burkholder) was my freshman high school choir director. Love. This. Woman. I remember my first day of class in Prep Choir and I loved every minute of her class. I already loved music, but somehow, I learned and loved it more every day. She was such a blessing and was such a role model for me, especially in my faith. I saw that it was okay to be a christian and to embrace, but better yet, to use my talent for the glory of God. She only taught me for a year, but the lessons still apply to this day. I sang in her wedding and now I watch her sing on Sundays at church. I will never forget that first year of high school and all the memories we share. Thank you for being awesome :)
Mr. Rogers was my choir director from Sophomore year to Senior year. I'll have to admit, I did not think we would get along well when he first started. Hormonal teenagers and a new teacher don't mix well! I was incredibly surprised at the immediate connection he made with all of us. We had so much fun in choir, especially Jazz Choir. I'll never forget Zombie Jamboree! He helped me manage my time and to find the time to practice for Region/Pre Area/Area auditions and that helped a lot. He helped a girl who couldn't sight read for anything become fairly good at it! I learned a lot of life lessons in his classroom and under his guidance. It was awesome for me to have him attend my senior recital! Thank you for always being a constant source of encouragement.
Dr. Mabry was my voice teacher from my Junior year in high school to my Senior year in college. Woah. He has taught me so many lessons in a musical sense, but in a life sense as well. I was a shy little soprano who was afraid to sing in front of anyone at the beginning of my journey at UTSA. Now, I'm a loud, confident soprano who loves to sing at every chance I get. He helped me get through Randy's death and helped me to get back up and keep going even when it was the hardest possible thing in the world to do. He always seems to know the right thing to say! Thank you for always encouraging me and pushing me to do better-I always did do better. Meeting your challenges were some of my greatest accomplishments. This man helped me make the Texas All-State Choir and semi-final/final in the NATS competition each time I competed. Thank you for being the greatest voice teacher a girl could ask for.
Dr. Kelly was my theory teacher and 20th century analysis teacher at UTSA. This woman helped me go from knowing barely anything related to music theory to being able to successfully complete a matrix. Boo ya. She challenged me to do better and always took the time to make sure I understood EVERYTHING, which if you remember, took a long time. She made me confident enough to take that proficiency test that we all feared. I'd walk into her office probably every other day with questions, and she would patiently explain everything to me so that I understood. She taught me never to give up to study, study, study! She is awesome. She made me love theory-and that was an impossible task four years ago. My favorite memory is of her calling me into her office after a voice lesson with Dr. Mabry (right across the hall) and saying, "Was that a D you sang in your lesson? That's intense, right on." Thanks for everything you do Dr. Kelly!
Notice how all of these teachers are music teachers? Now I'm about to student teach to be one of them! I really hope that I can make a difference in just one student's life the way that each of them have made on my life, as well as many others. I've had plenty of encouraging teachers and I will be forever grateful.
I also want to recognize two other teachers who mean the world to me: My sister and my best friend.
My sister, Amanda, is a second grade teacher a charter school here in San Antonio and has a very rough batch of kids. She really hates going to work and doesn't feel like she's doing a good enough job when she's teaching. She is an awesome teacher. She is an awesome woman. She's discouraged easily and I hope she never loses sight of her God given talent to teach. She taught me when I was growing up and she will continue to teach her children, as well as others. Although this is her last year teaching, she's going to rock at teaching her own kids. She's a brave woman and I'm so glad she's my sister. She's been a constant encouragement and example as to what kind of teacher I want to be. Love you Mandy :)
Last, but certainly not least, Kathryn :) She is an awesome teacher. We were students at UTSA together, one year apart. She graduated in December of 2011 and has almost completed her first year of teaching in Lincoln, Nebraska. I want to be in her class, haha. She tells me the stuff that she teachers her students, and I LOVE her classroom. This uncrafty gal has turned in to quite the crafter. She cares so much about her kids, even when they irritate her. She's a great example of what I want to be. I'm so glad she's made it this first year, not only in Nebraska, but as an awesome elementary music teacher. I'm so proud of you and all you've accomplished!
OK, that's all I have for now. Too many people to appreciate :) I'm so excited to had the opportunity to work with all of these wonderful teachers. I cannot wait to make a change in a student's life the way these men and women have changed mine. :) Yay teachers!!