101 in 1001

Start Date: August 26, 2012--End Date: May 25, 2015

  1. Grow out my hair long enough to donate it to Locks of Love
  2. Work out 3 days a week for 3 months
  3. Read the BBC's top 150 book list (x/150)
  4. Catalog all my sheet music-alphabetically and again by genre
  5. Fill an entire journal from cover to cover
  6. Don't eat fast food for 30 days
  7. No soda for 30 days
  8. Sew an apron using a pattern (actually following directions)
  9. Jog 5 consecutive miles
  10. Pay off my POS Kia
  11. Go to a karaoke bar...and sing
  12. Write a letter to 5 influential teachers (x/5)
  13. Go to Painting With a Twist on a random night and paint
  14. Visit Kit Kat in Lincoln, Nebraska
  15. Go the San Francisco Zoo
  16. Read the bible cover to cover
  17. Organize an important documents binder
  18. Teach overseas 
  19. Go to the library--check out a book and return in on time
  20. Watch ALL the Land Before Time movies
  21. See the Star Wars movies 
  22. Start a recipe binder
  23. Make a new recipe once a month (2/33)
  24. Don't buy new clothes for a whole month
  25. Go on a legit hike
  26. Pay for the person behind me in the drive thru line
  27. Learn how to whistle 
  28. Write a letter to myself to open at the end of the 1001 days
  29. Ask 20 people to suggest one book and read them all (x/20)
  30. Write a letter to my future first born child
  31. Keep a notebook and fill it with quotes from my favorite books
  32. Learn the alphabet in sign language
  33. Work on a crisis support line
  34. Take a picture with Santa
  35. Go to a shooting range
  36. Listen to every song in my Itunes library at least once
  37. Make an apple pie
  38. Fit into my "fat" pants
  39. See a broadway musical
  40. Learn how to properly use chopsticks
  41. Go to the beach
  42. Give myself a pedicure
  43. Write in my journal once a week (4/143)
  44. No alcohol for a month
  45. Make a list of 20 things I like about myself and stick it on my mirror
  46. Listen to a DVD commentary 
  47. Get visible abs :)
  48. Take a cooking class
  49. Attend a costume party with an awesome costume
  50. Lean the "Single Ladies" choreographed dance
  51. Make 101 blog entries (18/101)
  52. See a sunrise
  53. Watch Citizen Kane
  54. Cook a turkey 
  55. Drink Absinthe
  56. Do my own facials once a month (2/33)
  57. Get to my goal weight
  58. Spend the whole day in bed
  59. Watch the Lord of the Rings trilogy in one day
  60. Leave an inspirational note for someone to find
  61. Learn how to write with my left hand
  62. Learn how to make and successfully bake banana bread
  63. Successfully complete a crossword puzzle
  64. Learn a song on the piano
  65. No junk food for an entire month
  66. Be able to do 50 pushups
  67. Learn all the state capitols 
  68. Don't say anything negative for one day every month (2/33)
  69. Read a Stephen King novel
  70. Bake 10 different types of cookies (2/10)
  71. Make 10 new recipes (3/10)
  72. Try Greek food
  73. Watch 26 movies I've never seen, starting with each letter of the alphabet (x/26)
  74. Watch the IMBD top 100 movies (x/100)
  75. Knit a baby blanket
  76. Graduate from College
  77. See an opera
  78. Send a card to someone once a week (3/143)
  79. Complete the 365 day photo challenge
  80. Complete a coloring book
  81. Go camping
  82. Go a full day without technology
  83. Go Fresh-Faced for one week 
  84. Go swimming
  85. Go to Disneyland
  86. Meet Mr. Right
  87. Successfully complete my student teaching assignments
  88. Learn and be able to point out every country on a map
  89. Go to a live Zumba class 
  90. Make Kung Pao Chicken
  91. Go caroling at Christmas time
  92. Make a list of the entire family's birthdays, anniversaries and any other important dates
  93. Try Indian food
  94. Volunteer at a shelter
  95. Send out Christmas cards
  96. Have an address book that is not on my Iphone
  97. Read the American Girl series (original six--Felicity, Josefina, Molly, Addy, Samantha and Kirsten) 
  98. Sew a quilt
  99. Make a scrapbook 
  100. Make my own pizza
  101. Stick to my cleaning schedule for an entire month


  1. Woohoo! I'm glad we have a few that are about the same - Now I'm feeling EXTRA motivated! :)

  2. :) I did steal some from you! I think I'm going to try that facial recipe you posted about.

  3. In the last couple of months I think you have made a couple of new recipes, gone to the beach, learned how to use chopsticks, had Indian food, knit a baby blanket (if you finished it), and I KNOW you graduated from college xD MARK IT OFF GURL!! You're putting that WERK in!
