I began to make a list in my head which consisted of:
- Finishing Laundry
- Go to the store (we had NO food)
- Make better choices when it came to food
I did go to HEB today. I figured it was probably going to be busy because it was Halloween. I forgot that Halloween is not a national holiday where kids are out of school and adults don't work. People with real jobs, work normal hours. The parking lot was pretty full, but luckily, mostly smart people were shopping at my HEB today at 12:30. I was productive and made a list beforehand, otherwise, I'd walk all of the aisles and have a HUGE grocery bill. I was pretty fast getting all of my items, until I got stuck on the bread aisle. There were guys unloading bread onto the shelves that were in my way, but it was all good, I knew exactly what type of bread I needed and where it was located. That would have been all fine and dandy if I was not stuck behind the family who had no idea what they wanted. I would have just turned the other way but this older lady (who had a lot of alcohol in her little scooter cart, not judging, just observing.) in her scooter cart was moving at the speed of molasses. I was stuck. I tried not to let it irritate me...but I was getting impatient. Other than that, my trip was pretty quick and easy. I checked out (and remembered to bring my reusable bags this time) and was ready to go home. I ALWAYS take my cart back when I'm done. Common courtesy. Why is it so hard to walk your cart like 2 feet to put it where it goes? There is a cart return station on every aisle...like 4 on every aisle. I got so irritated, haha. I am a lazy person sometimes, but it's not your house, put your stuff away!
I bought the BEST apples today at HEB. They were honey crisp apples. It was so crisp and juicy. I fell in love. Who needs chocolate cake when you can have that? I am in no way saying they are the same taste, but if I keep saying apples taste better, I'll eat more apples. This brings me to my trying to eat healthier point. I am reading a book titled Made to Crave. This book is all about how we, as humans, were made to crave. I crave food more than anything. Admitting that is very difficult for me, but it's true. I went from a size 8 (last November) to a size 14. That may not seem like a big jump, but it is. I'm not so much worried about what size pants I'm wearing, rather, how I feel in my own skin. I bought a lot of fruit and veggies today and instead of just swearing off all carbs, I bought 100% whole wheat stuff. We'll see how it goes. I don't want to crave food this much...
I have been extremely successful with weight loss before, but can never keep it off for prolonged amounts of time. I don't want to just go on a diet for three months or until I lose the weight. I want to change the way I think and feel about food. I want to turn to God when I'm sad, happy, mad, etc. Food does nothing for me except fulfill my physical desires and makes me gain weight. Not such a fun little thought, but it's true. I'm not in any way thinking this journey will be easy, but recently I've had to take a deep look into my life and realized I need to make some changes. One of the reasons I should stop eating so much is because it's expensive. The last 2 months, on my bank statement show A LOT of fast food charges. That's embarrassing. That's disgusting. I don't expect to be a super health freak, but I would like to feel good about how I eat and how I feel. I am being lazy in a different way.
Here is to no more laziness...or a lot less of it!